Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Kamatz Aleph Ah Song

Another idea: 

by Sara Steinmetz

Just as you recommend to start each lesson singing the Aleph Bet so that kids don't only remember the sound but the letter names as well, we started this year to sing the vowels... to the tune of Amar Rabbi Akiva Vihavta Lire'acha Kamocha....
1.   Kamatz Aleph  Ah
2.   Patach Aleph Ah
3.   Tzairay Aleph Ay
4.   Segol Aleph Eh
5.   Shiva Aleph Ih
6.   Cheerik Aleph Ee
7.   Cholam Aleph Oh
8.   Shoorook Aleph Oo
9.   Koobootz Aelph Oo
 These are the letters and the vowels I will learn today – Hey!

As we sing the song the children either follow along with a handout (see above) or they follow me with hand motions that so to say draw the letter.

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